MACE & Services

MACE Division – Offering Technical Services
We strive to not only serve our customers with quality and durable products, but also provide services and solutions. In doing so, we have created a MACE (Mason, Architects, Contractors, and Engineers) division comprising civil engineers and product specialists to educate the customers about best practices and cater to their queries and concerns related to concreting and mortar work. MACE services also include after sales support to builders to ensure the right product is used for the right application. The interactions of the MACE division with the customers, builders and contractors also help us get feedback on our products, and accordingly tweak our products to ensure that the changing needs of different customer segments are understood and met.

Highly qualified civil engineers and trained technicians from the MACE division provide free technical assistance to builders and customers at every stage of the construction phase. MACE services also include after sales support to builders to ensure the right product is used for the right application. Our experts share their expertise and deep knowledge in construction best practices from concrete consistency to quality assurance tests to help build lasting structures.

Technical assistance
We provide free technical assistance to customers at all stages of construction to ensure consistency in concrete quality. This service is provided by our highly qualified and trained civil engineers from the MACE division. The MACE division also conducts awareness programs for masons, architects, contractors and engineers on good concreting practices.
Tests on concrete for lasting structures
Concrete forms the fundamental element of any construction structure and must be of high quality to ensure structural durability. In order to ensure the quality and durability of concrete, our MACE division offers various following tests on concrete and its ingredients in both fresh and hardened states.

Slump Test
This test helps assess the workability of freshly produced concrete. MACE engineers perform the slump test at the construction site. Based on the slump value, our engineers recommend the correct proportion of water to be mixed to the concrete.

Water pH Test
This test helps us assess the suitability of water for construction purposes. In doing so, water samples are collected from the site and the pH level is measured in the presence of the customer/influencer.

Rebound Hammer Test
This is a non-destructive test which helps assess compressive strength of concrete on finished structures. The test is usually performed in the presence of the customer and the results are instantly available for review.

Compressive Strength Test
This test helps assess the load bearing capacity of the concrete. Our MACE engineers help construction professionals evaluate the compressive strength of concrete by casting the cubes at the site.

Cover blocks for durable concrete
Using cover blocks significantly enhances the life of the structure. Engineers from the MACE division educate customers on the importance of using cover blocks and masking tapes during site visits.

Industry best practices to aid durable construction
We are committed to providing reliable solutions with respect to cement and concrete for construction projects of any size. Our expert team of qualified and trained civil engineers, cement and concrete technologists at RRDC help the customers arrive at the most optimal solutions. These solutions are in the area of concrete mix design, tips on compacting, curing concrete, practices in concreting and mortar works, ensuring robustness and long-term durability of concrete structures.
Tech Mantra
We publish ‘Tech Mantra’, a journal meant for construction people. This journal provides deep insights into all the latest developments in the construction space.

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